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50 Gk Questions On Solar System


1.How many planets are there in solar system?

2. What are they?

3. In which planet we are all living?

4. What colour is the Uranus
    Answer: Bluish green

5. Why Uranus is in bluish green?
Due to presence of Methane in atmosphere

6. Which is the closest planet to the sun           Ans:Mercury

7. Which planet is called as Red Planet? Ans:Mars

8.which is the fifth planet from the sun? Ans:Jupiter

9.which planet is second largest and at the same time lightest?

10.Coldest planet in Solar System?

11.Which planet is called the gas planet? Ans:Jupiter

12.Which is the smallest planet

13.Hottest planet in Solar System?

14.Largest planet in solar system?

15.Second smallest planet in solar system?

16. Which is the ice gaint planet?

17. Which planet is nearest to the earth ANS:Mercury

18. Which planet is known as the morning star or the evening star? 

19. Which planet has the most moons? ANS:Jupiter with 66 moons

20. How many planets have rings around them and what are they?
Ans: 4 planets
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

21.which planet has most volcanoes? Ans:Venus

22.which planet do not have moons? Ans:Mercury and Venus

23.How many dwarf planets are there in solar system?

24.what are they?

25. What are comets mostly made of? Ans:Snow,ice and dust

26.How many moons does Mars have?
Phobos & Deimos

27. The largest volcano in the solar system is called as?
Ans:Olympus mons
where it is ?
on Mars

28.Which planet does not have any volcanoes?

29.what is the sun mainly made from? Ans:Hydrogen and Helium gas

30.which planet do the Moon's Oberon  and Titanium belong to?

31 what is the Storm in jupiter's atmosphere called?
Ans:Great Red spot

32.where is the Asteroid belt?
Ans:Between the planets Mars and Jupiter

33.Earth natural satellite?

34.which planet is made up of thick white and yellowish clouds of sulphuric acid?
Ans: Venus 

35.which planet has the near similarity of size and mass like that of the earth?

36.Hippocamp is the moon of which planet? Ans:Neptune

37.Fastest rotating planet in the solar system?

38.which is the first planet discovered with the help of telescope?

39.what are satellites?
Ans:Satellites are man made device that moves around the planets.

40.which dwarf planet has a moon almost as big as the planet itself?

41.What is the comet belt outside of Pluto's orbit called?
Ans:Kuiper Belt

42.Someone trained to operate or work abroad spacecraft is called?

43.Can you tell me why moon is not a planet?
Ans:Because it is not moving around the sun.
All the planets will move around the sun but Moon will Orbit around the planet it is a natural satellite.

44.Ring of small bodies which is made up of Rock and metal and are present between inner and outer planet are1 called?

45.How many days does the earth takes to revolve around the sun?
Ans:365 days
And mercury? 88 days

46.When Lunar Eclipse occur?
Ans:When Earth is between Sun and Moon

47.When did Lunar Eclipse happen?
Ans:Full Moon

48.What is Solar Eclipse?
Ans:When moon comes in between Earth and Sun.

49.What is the name of the outermost layer of the sun ?

Answer - Corona

50.What is the name of the innermost layer of the sun ?

Answer - Photosphere



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